Share the Joy of Camp

Camp Summit Hosts Wine Tasting Fundraiser

Everyone should experience the joy of camp, the freedom of the outdoors, and the opportunity for independence. 

For people with disabilities, these simple rights are often overlooked. At Camp Summit we focus on our campers’ abilities, not their disabilities. 

Join Camp Summit as we host a fundraiser at The Art of Wine, October 20th, 4 p.m. – 8 p.m. Come to learn more about our organization, who we serve and the impact we are making in our community. Enjoy a wine tasting of four varietals, cheese, and charcuterie. Click the button below to register.


Why Camp Summit


Campers participate in activities that most individuals can enjoy every day, such as horseback riding, swimming, archery, arts & crafts, nature studies, kaleidoscope, ropes challenge course and sports & games. Every activity is adapted for the needs of each camper, provided in our fully accessible facilities, and implemented by trained, caring staff. 

All senses are engaged during a week at camp. Whether it is smelling nature while on a nature walk, feeling the texture of the horse and saddle while riding, or hearing the crackle of the fire while hanging out by the campfire with new friends, our campers gain the experience of being outdoors and a feeling of belonging. 

We offer a 2 to 1 ratio of campers to staff and provide all medical care for campers during their stay, our families and caregivers can be assured the health and safety of their loved one is a top priority. 

At Camp Summit, we ensure that all campers with a desire to attend camp can do so, regardless of financial barriers, age, or disability. If we can medically manage their needs while at camp, they are welcome. 

Our campers are truly remarkable. Your support will help ensure they always have a camp to call their own. Enjoy wine with us on October 20th and make a difference in someone’s life. We look forward to seeing you there!